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Regional scientific-practical conference with international participation “Innovation technologies of development of anti-tuberculosis service in Ural region”

13 февраля 2015 г.

Русский язык

16-17 of April 2015 in Yekaterinburg Ural Research Institute for Phtisiopulmonology is holding a regional scientific-practical conference with international participation “Innovation technologies of development of anti-tuberculosis service in Ural region” according to the calendar plan of scientific-practical events of Ural Federal District.

As a part of the conference there will be held an annual meeting of leaders of main anti-tuberculosis institutions and leading phtisiology specialists of territories supervised by URIPP for discussion of organization and implementation of state program “Healthcare development” and regional anti-tuberculosis programs.

Main points for discussion during the conference will be:

  • contemporary technologies of epidemiological anti-tuberculosis management and quality control of anti-tuberculosis service;
  • priority-oriented courses of efficiency-upgrading of anti-tuberculosis measures;
  • experience and perspectives of implementation of new methods of etiological diagnostics and chemotherapy of MDR/XDR-TB patients on regional level considering regional peculiarities,
  • opportunities and results of implementation of innovation laboratory and instrumental methods of diagnosis verification, of new anti-tuberculosis drugs, and of other methods of efficiency-upgrading of complex personified treatment of patients with tuberculosis of different forms and localizations. 

The conference will be attended by main specialists of The Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation and of Federal districts, directors and main specialists of research institutes for phtisiopulmonology and tuberculosis, leaders and specialists of regional anti-tuberculosis institutions.

The conference will be online-transmitted to regions of Russian Federation.

 Materials of the Conference will be published in electronic scientific journal “Phtisiology and Pulmonology”. Technical requirements for the articles are listed here:  http://ftiziopulmo.ru/forauthort/
Thesis requirements are listed here: events/161.html.

For all the questions please feel free to contact the organization committee via email: science@urniif.ru


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